Donation Information

Contribute to the TCG and donate decks you want to see!

Moderators: Selena, Jun

Sakura Admin
Site Admin
Posts: 102
Joined: Fri May 27, 2022 1:34 am

Donation Information

Post by Sakura Admin »

If you want to donate a deck to the TCG, please make sure you read everything below! There will be a lot of information and rules/guidelines but we promise they are all written down and enforced for a reason. Any questions can be PM'd to one of the admins or you can ask it on our Discord!

  • Players MUST CLAIM THE DECKS THEY WANT TO DONATE FIRST!! Do not drop them off in your thread before they are claimed & approved by an admin/staff member in that month's Deck Claims thread.
  • All decks claimed during the month must be donated within that same month! Any decks not submitted on time will be cleared from the spreadsheet in the following month and will be free for anyone to claim/donate. The player who originally claimed the deck(s) may claim them again however, provided no one beats them to it.
  • Extensions on donations are allowed so feel free to contact an admin if you'd like one and we'll sort it out with you! At most, we usually allow anywhere from 1-3 days extra but we may approve a longer extension on a case-by-case basis.
  • Make sure you've read the About Sakura page in our guide to see what we do and don't allow to be donated!

  • Each member can only donate 5 decks per month! This can be any combination of character and puzzle decks, or all of one type.
  • Special Decks are NOT included in the above limit; they are additional donations on top of them but there's no limit to how many you can donate!
  • Coupons, character skills, spotlight benefits, and any wishes that allow you additional donations are NOT included in the monthly limit as well.
  • Within your donations, up to 2 can be from the same series. However, this is counted separately for normal decks (characters & puzzles) and special decks (assuming you donate 2+ special decks in a single month)! If you wanted to donate two Pokemon character decks and then two Pokemon special decks, we would allow that.

  1. Decide what deck(s) you want to donate for the month and post them in the current Deck Claims thread for that month.
  2. Wait for an admin or staff member to approve your claim(s)! This is just to double check your claim(s) have not already been claimed or donated by someone else before you, and/or that your claim(s) are allowed in the TCG.
  3. When your claim(s) are approved, you have the rest of the month to compile the donation! Once you've completed them, make a thread in the Donations sub-forum titled as: Name's Donations (replace "Name" with yours!); this is where you will drop off any donations you claim. Make sure that they follow the Donation Guidelines and that you submit them before the last day.
  4. You must fill out the donation form below for EVERY deck! Simply copy and paste the required information from the Deck Claims Spreadsheet into the form then post it as a new reply in your thread. You can include multiple forms in the same post!
  5. Wait for an admin or staff member to then look through your donation! If it's approved, they will send your reward for each donation through the site so you can pick it from your personal account rewards page; if it's not, they'll let you know what needs to be fixed before they can approve the donation.
After that, it's just a waiting game until a deck maker claims your donation(s) and makes the deck!

Remember to fill out the correct form depending on the deck type you're donating PER DECK. The "Donation #" is to keep track of when you've maxed out your monthly limit and/or when you are donating an additional donation past your monthly limit!


Code: Select all

[b]Donation #:[/b] 0/5 (if it's your first donation, change it to "1/5", if it's your fifth then change it to "5/5", etc.)
[b]Deck Type:[/b] choose from "Character" or "Puzzle"
[b]Series:[/b] please use the japanese name
[b]Features:[/b] the name(s) of the chatacter(s) in this donation in "[first name] [last name]" format
[b]Deck Name:[/b] only applicable for puzzle decks so delete this if you're donating a character deck
[b]Download:[/b] the link to the google drive folder for this donation

Code: Select all

[url=link to where you received the coupon][img]image url of coupon[/img][/url]
[b]Deck Type:[/b] Special
[b]Features:[/b] the theme/focus of the deck! ie. "Pokemon - Water Types"
[b]Deck Name:[/b] only applicable if the theme/focus of the deck is too long or wouldn't be good as a deck name on its own
[b]Download:[/b] the link to the google drive folder for this donation
Please add this code to the end of your post every time, to keep an updated count of how many donations you've submitted overall since you're first one!

Code: Select all


[b]Total Donations Overall:[/b] this count starts from the first donation you've ever made and includes the donation(s) this form was filled out for so we know when to reward you for every 5 donations submitted
Sakura Admin
Site Admin
Posts: 102
Joined: Fri May 27, 2022 1:34 am

General Information

Post by Sakura Admin »

While compiling your donations, please ensure they meet the following guidelines! Any donations that don't may be rejected by an admin/staff member until the issue(s) is/are resolved so not only will you wait longer to receive your reward but the longer it'll be until a deck maker can claim it.

Please note that the donation rewards you receive have changed and now vary based on the deck type you're donating! In addition, we are implementing a new donation method that will be REQUIRED in the hopes that it'll make processing and checking donations easier and quicker for us to go through.

We will now be requiring all players to donate their decks via Google Drive! In order to use this site, you must have a Google/Gmail account so please make one if you haven't already. It's quick and simple to do so but if you need help, please let us know!

Our goal by using this site specifically—and only this site for accepting donation downloads from—is to make use of their folder features. In your drive, you would create a folder for each donation, upload the images for that deck to it, then link us to the specific folder in your donation form. This way the staff can easily view the donation just by opening the link so they won't have to download and unzip it (which takes more time—and space—than you might think)! As for deck makers, they could then download the folder itself from your drive which would download as a zip like traditional donations or work directly from it.

Another pro of using GDrive for donations is that the chances of the donation being deleted without your permission (like how some upload sites delete files after a certain period) is usually lower so there's less likelihood of you/us losing a donation before it can be made! You can also add or remove images from a donation much easier whereas before you would've had to re-upload the entire donation zip. For further details and a step-by-step guide, please read our tutorial!

  • Only decks from anime, manga, light novel, or game series of Japanese source/origin can be donated! Please refer to the About Sakura page for a more in-depth explanation on what is/isn't allowed.
  • Check the Upcoming List as well as all of the tabs on the Donation Claims Spreadsheet to make sure what you want to claim isn't already claimed, donated, or made!
  • High quality images and images in colour are always preferred but if you absolutely cannot find enough images for a deck that fall under those requirements then include as many as you can! Lower quality and/or B&W images in the case of manga decks are allowed as a last resort/if it's your only option.
  • Try to avoid images that have large logos or lots of text that would be hard to crop/edit out, as well as images that are too close up on a character's face. Given our card template, images that are farther away or in vertical orientation (if a close up) will usually work—and look—better!
    • If all you can find are images that don't meet any of the above requirements in terms of quality then make note of that when claiming/donating just to give us a heads up! You can also pre-collect images in advance and ask an admin/deck maker if they think it'll be feasible to turn into a deck and then officially claim/donate it afterwards, if they give it the OK.
  • We encourage including images from all media/adaptation types if a series offers them but ultimately it is up to the donator's discretion to only include one type or not. Similarly, deck makers may also choose to focus on one type/art style more than the other for aesthetic purposes!
  • When creating/uploading your donation folder(s) to your GDrive account, make sure they are titled: Series Name - Deck Name; depending on the deck type, what you replace "Deck Name" with will vary!
    • Character Decks: the deck name will be the character's name in [FIRST NAME] [LAST NAME] format (ie. "Hokuto Hidaka", not "Hidaka Hokuto").
    • Puzzle & Special Decks: the deck name will simply be what you want to name the deck, with proper capitalization (symbols are allowed for the deck info. but will not be included on the cards themselves as the font won't allow it); the name should describe what the deck is of!
  • If you are donating a puzzle deck, you DO NOT have to upload it to GDrive! You can also use a regular image uploading site like Imgur, ImgBB, or another site of your choice since it's just a single image, rather than many like a character or special deck would require.
  • If you are donating a deck on behalf of another player or deck maker, you are still REQUIRED to upload the full donation file(s) when submitting them for rewards in your thread!
    • This is so a download is always available in case the original deck maker leaves before making it, or is unable to for whatever reason so another deck maker can make it instead.
    • We also do not want anyone to use "[name] is making this" as a way to side-step the rules and be able to send the images for a donation later/past the original month allowed to regularly donate a deck, while everyone else makes sure to turn their donations in on time!
Sakura Admin
Site Admin
Posts: 102
Joined: Fri May 27, 2022 1:34 am

Donation Guidelines

Post by Sakura Admin »

Reward: 4 random cards, 1 choice card from the deck when released
  • Donations must have 25~50 unique* images! Any more or less will result in you being asked to revise the donation.
  • Character Decks must only feature the focused character but you can include images of them with others as long as they are able to be cropped out.
  • Special Decks can feature multiple characters in a single card as long as they are related to the topic/theme of the deck! If there are characters who aren't but are in an included image, please make note of that in the filename of the image or when you drop off the donation.
  • Do not include images that are edits or have been altered in some way from the original! Screencaps of gifs are not allowed either if the gif has additional editing/filters on it. Images you enlarged through optimizing/upscaling sites are allowed but please include the original version/quality too, just in case!
  • Try to not use images from special decks in character decks and vice versa! The exception would be if an image features a group of characters and it was cropped to a single character for their individual deck, but the entire image is featured in a special deck.
  • If you're unable to find at least 25 images for a donation after claiming it but have at least 20 images, please contact Cassidy. Depending on the images, we may still be able to make a deck out of it! For example, if a donation has exactly 20 images, we could possibly use an image twice (once for a card and once for the master badge).
  • SPECIAL DECKS ONLY: If you have LESS than 20 images but some of the images can be cropped/split up into multiple cards, we may be able to have enough to complete a deck but again, please contact Cassidy for verification!
  • CHARACTER DECKS ONLY: If a character has a designated image colour (ie. idol characters who have their own official colour), feel free to mention that when dropping off their donation and we'll make note of it on the spreadsheet for the deck maker to consider using as the deck's colour!
* If you are including alternate versions of an image (ie. both an upscaled/optimized version & original quality; the same image used in 2 different designs of different quality/cropability; etc), the additional images are not included in this limit!

Reward: 2 random cards, 1 choice card from the deck when released
  • The image must feature 2 or more characters! There's no limit on how many characters can be in the image/puzzle past that but depending on the image's orientation or size, some might be cropped out due to the deck template's size.
  • Keep in mind that our puzzle deck template is 415px x 396px and is closer to a square than a rectangle so please ensure your image is that size or larger, and also isn't too wide or too tall in case some characters might get cut off/left out!
  • The higher quality or larger the image, the better, as long as it is not too pixel-y or grainy! If it is but it becomes unnoticeable once it's resized then it's okay, otherwise we do not take responsibility for the deck's final outcome if it's not at the usual standard or same quality as other puzzle decks.
For every 5 decks you donate, you will receive 1 choicecard coupon!
  • This applies to your OVERALL DONATION COUNT and is cumulative so if you donate 2 decks one month then 5 the next, you will have donated 7 decks total which means you would receive 1 coupon (for reaching 5 donations). Once you've donated 3 more decks, you would receive another coupon (for reaching 10 donations)!
  • This bonus reward is self-serve! Please keep track of your total donation count yourself so you know when to claim it, as staff will not be responsible for this.
  • You do not need to inform us when you claim the coupon but please make sure you log it properly as Deck Donations (# Decks): choicecard coupon and replace " # " with the number of decks you've donated so far in increments of 5 (so 5, 10, 15, etc)!
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