[CLOSED] Hiring: Deck Makers

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[CLOSED] Hiring: Deck Makers

Post by Sakura Admin »

Interested in becoming a deck maker for Sakura? Read through the information below, make a test deck, and submit it with your application!

Once the thread is marked as [CLOSED] then we will look through the posts and contact those who we'd like to hire through FORUM PM (so please be sure to check yours if you applied). When we've confirmed the new deck makers, we will make an announcement to let everyone know!

If you don't think you can meet these expectations, please re-consider applying! We try not to ask for too much from deck makers since this is all volunteer work but this is the minimum we ask for from our staff to keep things running and so we don't fall behind too much on donations.
  • Must make at least 5 decks per month. These can be of any combination of deck types and should be of other players' donations! If you also claim your own decks to donate then those would be additional decks on top of the minimum 5 you're required to make.
  • Be comfortable with making decks for characters/series you don't know or like. Deck makers are definitely allowed to claim what interests them but please be considerate of less popular series/characters, especially ones that have been donated for a while and haven't been made yet!
  • Will be responsible for their own donations. Unless otherwise stated when claiming the decks (ie. you're donating something on behalf of another member and/or deck maker who will be the one making it), deck makers will be making their own donations.
  • Personal donations must be made in the same month they're claimed. Unlike before, all personal donations claimed in a month must be made before the next month - just like if you were a regular player claiming donations! Failure to do so will result in your claim(s) being freed for someone else (or yourself if no one beats you to it) to claim again.

  • We are preferably looking for people who can make decks in a similar quality or overall appearance to our current deck makers' decks in the hopes of maintaining as much consistency as we can across decks! We do not want overly bright, dark, contrasting, saturated, and/or sharpened images and cards nor do we want decks of the opposite kind - but if you apply and make decks like this, we will let you know so you can consider adjusting in the case you are hired.
  • If hired, all completed decks once dropped off may have changes or edits made by an admin without prior notice if needed (ie. fixing card errors, adjusting edits/filters on images for consistency with other decks, etc). If a major change is made however (or if the deck maker would just like to know in general), we will let the deck maker know about it and why it was edited to be kept in mind for future decks!
  • In addition to a staff sub-forum to coordinate who makes what decks, we also use a private channel on our Discord server for announcements, general help, and contact purposes so we'd prefer if all deck makers have an account and are a member if they aren't already!
  • I only use Photoshop so even if you use a different site/program/app that is able to open Photoshop files, please ensure that when you're saving your decks/PSDs that I can still open/edit them in Photoshop if needed!

  • For every deck made and dropped off, deck makers will receive 2 random cards + 1 choice card from the deck once released.
  • Rewards are instant and will be sent to the reward page in your account once you've added it to the Upcoming List!
  • Choice cards can be taken like you would new deck freebies in an update.
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Deck Maker Application

Post by Sakura Admin »

( LAST UPDATED: MAY 3rd, 2023 )

Once the thread is locked, it means we are no longer accepting new applications and will only be looking through the decks received at that point.

  • Must make TWO (2) CHARACTER DECKS: 1 male-presenting character and 1 female-presenting character! These can be your own donations or another member's—or a combination of both—but please do not choose a deck that is already claimed by a current deck maker or has not been donated yet.
    • If you plan on making a deck from your own donation/images but it is not on the Deck Claims spreadsheet yet, please claim it like a regular donation first so we can add it there and THEN make/submit your deck for the application. This is so we can prevent any potential accidental overlaps/double donations and such!
  • Each deck must have: 20 cards (all .png format), 1 master badge (.png format), and 2 template PSDs (one for the deck + one for the master badge). Any applications without all of these files will be returned and won't be looked at until we receive them all!
  • You can upload your decks in 2 ways for the application only (if hired, we require completed decks to be dropped off in a certain way but more info will be provided then) so please choose ONE of the following:
    • Put all the files of a deck in its own folder then make it into a zip (which you then upload to any media sharing site like usual), OR
    • Put all the files in its own folder and upload the folder itself to GDrive as is (like you would for a regular deck donation using our new donation method)
  • Please put EACH deck in its own separate folder! You can put both folders into the same .zip file OR GDrive folder, however. Name the folders/zips with its correct filename as well!

  • Download the templates and required fonts HERE! Please do not use them to make templates for your own TCGs or other personal uses.
  • Review my Deck Making Tips & Tricks before/while making your decks! I lay out things I've learned over the years that make deck making easier and quicker for myself, as well as go over my personal guidelines in terms of editing images and the likes that you can reference or keep in mind. Unavailable for the time being!
  • If you've never used the slice tool feature in Photoshop, I wrote a tutorial about it a while back for a different TCG of mine that might be helpful!

Fill out the form below and post it as a new reply to this thread! If you make changes to your decks at a later date then let us know (either through forum PM or on Discord) and send the new versions ASAP so we use the most up-to-date decks for reviewing.

Code: Select all

[b]Decks:[/b] write the filenames of the decks made + link each to their download/gdrive folder
[b]Discord:[/b] if it's not already in your profile; if you don't have one yet, let us know here too!
[b]Previous Experience:[/b] if any! not having experience won't hinder your chances at being hired, we're just curious lol
[b]Anything Else:[/b] that you want us to know!
By submitting this application, you are agreeing to follow the expectations stated in the first post to the best of your ability! However, we understand that life is unpredictable and schedules/availability change without notice so if hired, please communicate with us if you need: additional help/coverage; a break for whatever reason; need to step down all together; or anything really! We are happy to discuss something that works for both sides but we can only do so much if we don't know what's going on.
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Re: [OPEN] Hiring: Deck Makers

Post by Noelle »

Decks: logixficsario, uzukishimamura (own donations that haven't been claimed!)
Discord: emotional support clown#8663 (I'm in the Discord as Noelle)
Previous Experience: I was a deckmaker for Nakama TCG waaaaaaay back in the day lol but it's been so long that I'm not sure that counts anymore! Other than that, I have hobby experience in Photoshop and I've played around with Stack as a TCG management system, so I'm familiar with the deck uploading process if that helps!
Anything Else: I'm really excited for Sakura's return, thanks for looking and considering me! o/
Last edited by Noelle on Thu May 04, 2023 8:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [OPEN] Hiring: Deck Makers

Post by Jessica »

Decks: luciananami killuazoldyck
Discord: Should be in profile, but Sailor Senpai#5536
Previous Experience: All of my experience in listed here - most experience is in deckmaking for my own tcgs as well as other people's
Anything Else: Brought in crops on both decks, swapped some Killua images, left an "old" and "new" preview in folder to compare
Last edited by Jessica on Fri May 05, 2023 12:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [OPEN] Hiring: Deck Makers

Post by Cami »

Decks: akitoshinonome, minorihanasato
Discord: i think its in my profile, but just in case - Hestia#7405 (i use one account for personal and streaming purposes, lol)
Previous Experience: mostly my own projects and this one kpop tcg that i forget the name of
Anything Else:
- brought in extra images to both decks (original images from previously are in a separate layer under the new one in each psd)
- fixed akito's color border to be his actual image color (was previously a bit too dark)
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Re: [OPEN] Hiring: Deck Makers

Post by Mari »

Decks: alisaieleveilleur, judaiyuki
Discord: lovefoolish#7472
Previous Experience: i was a deck maker at starlight
Anything Else: my timezone is gmt+8
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Re: [OPEN] Hiring: Deck Makers

Post by Joey »

Decks: chifuyumatsuno + natsumionitsuka
Discord: Reina#3717
Previous Experience: I've run a bunch of TCGs in the past and have a bunch that I just never launched but made a bunch of decks for
Anything Else: If you need anyone to occasionally make decks to just help out the workload on a volunteer basis, let me know!!
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Re: [OPEN] Hiring: Deck Makers

Post by Haylee »

Decks: nagisaran + toukokirigaya
Discord: ksj#1204
Previous Experience: most recently i was a deck maker for starlight! i also made decks for several old tcgs like wonderland [and some i can't remember the names lmao]
Anything Else:
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Re: [OPEN] Hiring: Deck Makers

Post by Mio »

Decks: lisaimai & reijikotobuki (my own donations!)
Discord: mio#8899
Previous Experience: I was a deck maker for your starlight before for example! and also most recently for aki's shizen and gleam
Anything Else: please let me know if I did something wrong :>

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Re: [OPEN] Hiring: Deck Makers

Post by mina »

Decks: leotsukinaga & anshiraishi
Discord: eevee#1379
Previous Experience: sakura a long time ago
Anything Else: colours are hard