Forum Introduction & Rules

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Sakura Admin
Site Admin
Posts: 102
Joined: Fri May 27, 2022 1:34 am

Forum Introduction & Rules

Post by Sakura Admin »


Welcome to Sakura's brand new forums! As of the second run (aka Sakura 2.0), we've created a new board to go with the overall TCG re-opening since everyone will be starting from scratch again. But don't fret if you need anything from the old forums - you can still view them here! This will stay up indefinitely and we have no plans to ever delete it intentionally so feel free to link back to anything you may need. At the moment, unfortunately our old forums are currently down due to a PHP upgrade that we haven't been able to resolve however we don't have any plans to fix this soon so we apologize for the inconvenience! That aside...

Are you a brand new member? Make sure you do the following:
  • Read the Guide and all its pages
  • Join the TCG and follow the sign up procedure
  • Familiarize yourself with the forum rules below
Are you a returning member from Sakura's first run (Sakura 1.0)? Make sure you do the following:
  • Follow the tips mentioned above for brand new members
  • Re-join the TCG and get yourself set up like a new player would
  • Once fully approved, apply for your Rejoin Compensation Rewards* and request your Returning Player Gift*
  • Familiarize yourself with the forum rules below (even if you already read them/remember them from before!)
* There's no deadline for claiming these so both are always available no matter when you join!

  • Use the same name you joined the TCG with, as your forum username! If you don't, we may deactivate or delete your account under the assumption that you're not a TCG member or joining to become one. If you accidentally used a different name, contact us ASAP so we can fix it for you!
  • Do not make consecutive posts in the same thread either to spam, bump, or other reason! If you've made a post and it seems to have been overlooked or forgotten because you've seen someone reply to other posts made after yours, simply ask the relevant staff member or an admin to make sure they saw it.
  • Edits to posts are allowed but ONLY if it has not been responded to/processed/approved yet (in terms of it being a service, activity, donation, etc-type post). This is just to prevent any confusions or mistakes that could occur if an edit was made to something already replied to!
  • Give us at least 1 week to reply to anything! While we will likely respond faster than that, a week is usually a decent amount of time to wait before poking someone about something. Please be nice about asking, however! Aggression or rushing will not help anyone.
  • Please be respectful and courteous to players and staff alike! Even if you do not like or get along with someone, try to be civil at least so this community can remain a comfortable space for all. If you do have drama or anything similar that does not involve the TCG or others at large, we ask you take it elsewhere.
  • Be patient and understanding with admins and staff as well! Not only do we have lives outside of the TCG as well as other commitments, hobbies, etc that we have to or like to do, we are also players so we may want to take a break from staffing duties to participate in the TCG as well.
  • Keep your posts and content work-appropriate or at least spoiler it and label it as such and/or with any warnings, if applicable! There is a button above a post box that looks like an eye striked out, simply click that to add a spoiler tag to your post and fill it in accordingly. To add a title to your spoiler so others can read it before actually opening it, change the code to the following:

    Code: Select all

    [spoiler=title here]your spoiler goes here[/spoiler]

  • The maximum size your avatar can be is 175 x 225px (minimum is 100 x 100px)! It can be uploaded through the forum or you can use an external link to upload one.
  • There is no limit to your signature but on the chance that anything is too long or stretches the board, we will contact you and ask it to be revised!
  • There are fields in your user control panel to add your twitter, discord, and pronouns if you'd like. All are optional though so you don't need to fill out anything if you don't want to or don't have one! If you think there's something else we can add, please suggest it to us!!
  • Forum ranks are obtainable with a forumrank coupon, which you can also use to change your rank once you unlock it! Read more?
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