[CLOSED] Hiring: Service & Activity Mods

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Sakura Admin
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[CLOSED] Hiring: Service & Activity Mods

Post by Sakura Admin »

If you're interested in staffing any of our services and/or activities then read through the information below and fill out the application form!

Once the thread is marked as [CLOSED] then we will look through the posts and contact those who we'd like to hire through FORUM PM (so please be sure to check yours if you applied). When we've confirmed the new staff, we will make an announcement to let everyone know!

If you don't think you can meet these expectations, please re-consider applying! We try not to ask too much of staff and try to do what we can to make modding things as easy as possible but there's still a minimum/standard we ask staff to meet, to ensure things are run smoothly.
  • Must be able to reply to players at least 1-2 times per week or more which includes processing forms and posts in their assigned service/activity!
    • This could include any combination of the following: checking logs/proofs/tasks, sending rewards, dropping off things in the correct staff thread that need to be made by us (if any), etc.
    • Jobs specific to the service/activity will be outlined in the next post with further details to be explained later if needed!
  • All staff must communicate with the admins! We NEED to know when staff are going to be busy and unable to attend to their duties/games so we can arrange for temporary replacements and/or additional help in general, or look for permanent replacements altogether if someone needs to step down for whatever reason. Even a quick message to give us a heads up is fine if something happens last minute or is unplanned! We won't be upset, we just like to be informed so we can make sure things are looked after so others are not left waiting for too long.
  • We have a private channel on our Discord server for announcements, general help, and contact purposes so we'd prefer if all staff have an account and are a member if they aren't already!

  • Staff can still use the services/activities they mod! However, you will need to wait for another staff to process your posts/forms so you cannot handle them yourself.
  • Rewards will be sent through the admin panel so they can show up in the player’s reward page on-site but mods will still need to quote reply the player in the thread to confirm their post was approved, rewards were sent, requests have been dropped off to be made, etc!

  • Will vary depending on the service/activity and its expected activity level, so it can be modified over time as activity changes.
  • Only given if you actually moderated your service/activity during the week you want to collect pay for! If you were inactive or didn't help at all, you won't receive pay for that week.
  • Pay can be applied for after a week is complete (1 week = 7 days / Sunday to Saturday). It can then be picked up from your rewards page once we verify the amount of work completed!
  • Additional information and the exact pay (as it's still TBD) will be announced/explained once hired!
Sakura Admin
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Available Positions & Application

Post by Sakura Admin »

( LAST UPDATED: MAY 3rd, 2023 )

Once the thread is locked, it means we are no longer accepting new applications and will only be looking through the ones received at that point.

The number in brackets after a position indicates how many staff we're looking for! If there's a range, we will accept anywhere from the minimum to the maximum amount needed. A single staff member can mod multiple services/activity and/or take up multiple positions (including other areas) if available!
  • Sakura Bank (1) - duties include: processing exchanges, updating currency count in database if applicable
  • Hanami Decks (2) - duties include: processing forms (see below), sending rewards, dropping off list of completed decks for us to add to the site
    • new Hanami Decks need to be dropped off in staff forum for us to make
    • for unlocking cards, provided proof for completed tasks need to be checked

Fill out the form below and post it as a new reply to this thread! You can make changes to it until we lock the thread as we won't look at any forms until then.

Code: Select all

[b]Desired Position(s):[/b] list all that you'd be interested in
[b]Availability:[/b] are you willing to take multiple positions? online enough to fulfill requirements? let us know how many games/positions you'd realistically be able to handle!
[b]Previous Experience:[/b] if any! not having experience won't hinder your chances at being hired, we're just curious lol
[b]Anything Else:[/b] that you want us to know!
By submitting this application, you are agreeing to follow the expectations stated in the first post to the best of your ability! However, we understand that life is unpredictable and schedules/availability change without notice so if hired, please communicate with us if you need: additional help/coverage; a break for whatever reason; need to step down all together; or anything really! We are happy to discuss something that works for both sides but we can only do so much if we don't know what's going on.
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Re: [OPEN] Hiring: Service & Activity Mods

Post by saya »

Desired Position(s): Sakura bank and Hanami Decks
Availability: i am on normally in the mornings (Paris time)
Previous Experience: I helped on Gleam’s forum
Anything Else: i just need to learn well the rules but i may ask questions at the beginning before getting comfy with the tasks

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Re: [OPEN] Hiring: Service & Activity Mods

Post by Ouji »

Desired Position(s): Sakura Bank, Hanami Decks
Availability: Can take on both positions if need be! I'm on like literally every day and can check multiple times throughout the day as well, if need be.
Previous Experience: I worked the forums for Just Desserts ages ago, currently forum mod on the hiatused Honey (food TCG). I was also game helper mod for Colors for a bit on Dreamwidth.
Anything Else: Nothing except the cards look gorgeous and I can't wait <3
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Re: [OPEN] Hiring: Service & Activity Mods

Post by Mio »

Desired Position(s): Sakura Bank, Hanami Decks
Availability: I would take several positions yes. And I'm chronically online especially when it comes to tcgs. I can be reached over discord pretty much every day!
Previous Experience: Well, I've been around for a whiiile now! I knew Sakura pretty much from the start and I have helped/am helping with many tcgs in the past. I think the most "recent" was Starlight even? I do know my way around a forum hehe
Anything Else: I wanna help you two too! >: D

did I copy past my apps? yes I did
